Certificate in Management Skills
Learn the skills and resources needed to foster strong connections, lead change, and resolve potential conflicts, whether you are a new or experienced manager.
Program Overview
Successful managers know the importance of building strong relationships with their team members. This certificate equips both new and experienced managers with the skills and resources necessary to foster strong connections, lead change, and resolve potential conflicts. Whether operating in an in-person office environment or a remote work setting, managers will learn practical ways to better coach and motivate their teams. Through interactive exercises, videos, self-assessments, and case studies, the self-paced courses included in this certificate provide opportunities to practice and apply key management skills.
Approximately 41 hours
Access Time: 730 daysEstimated Tuition
No additional materials requiredWays to Learn
4.1 CEUs
Program Partner

We partnered with MindEdge to bring you affordable, full suite, cloud-based, content-rich online education.
Courses Included in this Certificate:
- Leading and Managing Change
Whether adopting new technology or adapting to a drastic shift in an organization's core focus, change is a constant in any successful business. Managers play a fundamental role in successful effecting changes across an organization, and meanwhile, humans, by nature, will often resist change out of fear of the unknown. This introductory course addresses the key issues managers face in a dynamic environment. By understanding the steps in effecting change and how to overcome resistance, a manager can successfully lead change at various levels of an organization. - Introduction to Negotiations
We all negotiate every day. And even though negotiations are an integral part of our lives, techniques for managing these situations are not instinctive; they must be learned. Experienced negotiators make a conscious decision about what type of negotiation strategy to use based on a number of factors such as the importance of the relationship and the importance of what is at stake. Understanding key concepts such as the "best alternative to no agreement", reservation price, and the "zone of possible agreement" can help you conduct a successful negotiation. And since power is a fundamental dynamic in negotiations, it is important for negotiators to have a basic understanding of ways they can exert and also gain power in a discussion. This course should be an essential part of any basic business and management training. - Time Management
One of the more precious resources a manager has is his or her time. Managers can become more effective by employing time management and scheduling techniques, delegating, outsourcing key tasks, and employing technology. The concepts covered in this course will help create structure around your time management skills and will help reveal any weaknesses in your time management habits. Making time management a priority is often the first step to keeping on task and maintaining a productive schedule. - Managing People
To be successful and move ahead in his or her career, a manager must understand how to manage people, including motivating workers and coordinating their activities. This course will explain how the goals, empowerment, measurement system of management can be employed and how organization structures differ. The course will also cover the difficulty of discipline while trying to maintain productivity and momentum. - Handling Difficult Employee Behavior
As a manager, handling difficult employee behavior is now your job. And it can be overwhelming to try to navigate the psychology of poor behavior to try to figure out how to improve the situation. This course is designed to prepare managers to deal with troublesome and difficult behavior by employees. By effectively addressing, coaching, and counseling employees, you can improve their behavior and improve morale, staff retention, productivity, and teamwork. This course uses videos to illustrate each behavior type so that you can more easily apply the techniques to your current work environment. Focusing on dealing with the behavior (not the person), tools and techniques for positive change are clear and well-defined. - Communicating Collaboratively
In most organizational settings, you'll be expected to work in teams. At times, your team members may not be physically in the same office with you. And yet, communicating effectively within these teams is critical to the success of the team, and critical to your personal success on any given project or task. This introductory-level course will help you improve your collaborative communication by providing best practices and effective tips and techniques. - Emotional Intelligence for Managers
Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to identify and control our emotions to achieve positive outcomes in our relationships. Managers with high EI are better equipped to deal with subordinates, colleagues, and company executives, and they can do a better job of handling and resolving conflicts. This one-module course reviews the underlying concepts of emotional intelligence and explores how managers can improve and make use of their emotional intelligence. - Managing Remote Employees
As businesses are increasingly turning to technology to handle both internal and external communications, the notion of a centralized workforce that meets face-to-face on a daily basis is becoming less common. Companies are embracing the idea of employing remote workers—from both near and far—who can provide a diverse range of skills and viewpoints without being bound by location. While there are many advantages to remote work for both the company and the individual, managers must be aware of the challenges that can arise when employing remote workers. This course explores the benefits and drawbacks of remote work and provides managers with tips for helping their remote workers stay connected and motivated. - Introduction to Management
Introduction to Management is designed for current and prospective managers seeking to understand the foundations of effective management. Managers are employed across industries, functions, and organizational structures to oversee different-sized depart-ments, teams, and groups of workers. However, there are fundamental tools, techniques, skills, and competencies that can help all managers navigate workplace relationships, coach and mentor employees, and lead high-performing teams in accordance with HR laws and managerial best practices. This course will dive into these topics and test acquired knowledge through exercises, games, review checkpoints, and a final assessment. - HR Fundamentals for Managers
Proper management of human resources is vital for creating and sustaining a skilled and engaged workforce, developing a positive business culture, and generating a competitive advantage. In every business where a manager supervises a group of employees, that manager is responsible for some aspect of human resources, and successful managers know the importance of keeping up with current laws and HR best practices. This course equips managers with foundational HR knowledge in areas related to employee recruitment and selection, onboarding and training, compensation, and performance management.
This course includes an “Ask the Expert” feature. You can use this feature to submit questions about course content. A subject matter expert will provide guidance or point you to additional resources for the topics you’re studying. Questions are answered as quickly as possible and usually within 24 hours.
Learners must achieve an average test score of at least 70% to meet the minimum successful completion requirement and qualify to receive CEUs.
Program Details
Key Features
Badge and credit-awarding
Real-world case studies
Fully accessible
Games & Flashcards
Video content