Orange County Department of Education

orange county department of education

Earn Your Graduate-Level Professional Development Credit Easily and Quickly  

University of Massachusetts Global’s School of Extended Education offers graduate-level professional development credit for work completed in Induction, credentials, and professional development programs. Graduate-level professional development credits are not part of a degree program but instead are primarily used for professional advancement such as salary increment steps and recertification. Students should seek approval of appropriate school district officials before enrolling in these courses.

Available Courses

Participating Teachers Year One EDBU 9068 6 $300
Participating Teachers Year Two EDBU 9069 6 $300
Support Providers Year One EDBU 9070 6 $300
Support Providers Year Two EDBU 9071 6 $300
Education Specialist Induction Year One EDBU 9017  6 $300 
Education Specialist Induction Year Two EDBU 9230  6 $300
 Cycle 1 CalTPA Support EDBU 9132 1 $50
 Cycle 2 CalTPA Support EDBU 9133 2 $100
Participating Teachers Early Completion Option   EDBU 9134  $300

Proof of Completion

In order to award credits University of Massachusetts Global needs the following documents:

  • Participating Teachers: Induction Completion Certificate - signed (Click here to view example document) 
  • Support Providers: Verification of Completion Certificate - signed (Click here to view example document)
  • Education Specialist Induction: Induction Completion Certificate (signed)
If you have the above document(s), please upload them when you register. Otherwise, email them to when you receive them.


Registration for work completed (or ongoing) this academic year will be available starting April 15th. Registration for work completed in qualified past years is always available.
IMPORTANT: You must select the academic year of your work before adding courses to your cart. 

Register Now

What's Next?

When your registration is complete and we have received your completion documents, grades will be posted for your courses. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for registration processing and another 3 to 5 days for grade posting. Allow extra time for grade posting if your Induction Staff has to verify your completion. You will receive a confirmation email once your grades are posted. At that time, you can order a transcript. See the transcript information section below for more information.

Available Courses

CTE Core Course (CTE 100) EDDU 9201 5 $325
CTE Teacher Preparation Course (CTE 101) EDDU 9199 5 $325
Instructional Practices of CTE (CTE 102) EDDU 9200 5 $325
 Preliminary Administrative Services Credential  EDAU 9052 10  $500 
 Advanced Teacher Preperation Course (CTE 104) EDDU 9909 5 $325

Proof of Completion

In order to award credits University of Massachusetts Global needs the following documents:


  • CTE Courses: OCDE Transcripts (see example)
  • Preliminary Administrative Services Credential: Certificate of Completion
If you have the above document(s), please upload them when you register. Otherwise, email them to when you receive them.

Register Now

What's Next?

When your registration is complete and we have received your completion documents, grades will be posted for your courses. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for registration processing and another 3 to 5 days for grade posting. Allow extra time for grade posting if your Induction Staff has to verify your completion.You will receive a confirmation email once your grades are posted. At that time, you can order a transcript. See the transcript information section below for more information.

Available Courses

Health Education for Educators EDDU 9239 2 $130  Year-Round
Leading Edge Certification: Online & Blended Teacher EDKU 9092 5 $325  Year-Round
Leading Edge Certification for the Administrator EDKU 9093 5 $325  Year-Round
Leading Edge Certification: Digital Educator EDKU 9094 5 $325  Year-Round
Leading Edge Certification for Professional Learning Leader EDKU 9832 $325   Year-Round
Teacher Leader Certification Academy Year I EDRU 9030  $130 6/1 - 8/28

Teacher Leader Certification Academy Year II

EDRU 9031 2 $130

6/1 - 8/28

2023 AP in the OC

EDDU 9965 2 $130

5/1 - 8/7

Gate Certification Program EDDU 9966 2 $130 5/1 - 8/7
Teaching English Language Learners Course EDEU 9965 2 $130 Year-Round
Beyond Numbers EDTU 9156 1  $65 Year-Round
From Theory to Practice: Enhancing Numbers and Operations EDTU 9172 2  $130  Year-Round

Proof of Completion

In order to award credits University of Massachusetts Global needs the following documents:


  • Health for Educators: Completion will be verified by OCDE staff
  • Leading Edge Certification: Completion will be verified by OCDE staff
  • Teacher Leader Certification Academy: Certificate of Completion
  • AP in the OC and Gate Certification: Certificate of Completion
If you have the above document(s), please upload them when you register. Otherwise, email them to when you receive them.


Register Now

What's Next?

When your registration is complete and we have received your completion documents, grades will be posted for your courses. Please allow 3 to 5 business days for registration processing and another 3 to 5 days for grade posting. Allow extra time for grade posting if your Induction Staff has to verify your completion.You will receive a confirmation email once your grades are posted. At that time, you can order a transcript. See the transcript information section below for more information.

Did You Know?

University of Massachusetts Global offers a variety of online professional learning options that carry graduate-level professional development credits. These credits are primarily used for salary increment steps and recertification. Click here to see our library of online professional development courses.

We also offers academic credit toward selected degree programs to teachers who complete a CTC-approved general education or education specialist induction program. You can earn 12 credits toward your Master of Arts in Education-Teaching and Learning or 12 credits toward the Master of Arts in Special Education – at no cost to you! To learn more about the block transfer credit and the application process, email our enrollment coach today. 

Refund Policy

You can receive a refund within 30 days of registration if you have not yet received a grade for your course.

Transcript Information

Before ordering a transcript please activate your student account. Also verify that all grades and credits are posted to your student record. Official transcripts ordered without previously checking grades and credits on your student record may result in an incomplete transcript. Refunds may not be issued if transcripts are ordered incorrectly.

Allow 5 days for transcript orders to be processed.


For detailed instructions on ordering official transcripts, please download the transcript information guide

Technical Assistance

To activate your username and password, reset your password, or resend account activation letters, visit

For other technical questions, contact the University of Massachusetts Global IT Help Desk (, 855-553-3007).

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About UMass Global

Earn your bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or certificate at UMass Global, a regionally accredited university.

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