Corporate Training & Business Services

Maximize your resources by building a plan that aligns with your organization's strategic objectives.

Empower your workforce

Providing highly relevant professional development is a strong incentive for employees to stay and grow within your business. For over 50 years, UMass Global has been collaborating with organizations to create educational partnerships that meet each company’s unique needs and budget.



Two coworkers having a conversation.

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Our Services

Corporate Training:

  • Targeted skill development to support organizational success
  • Alignment with your mission, vision, and strategic objectives
  • Program design and curriculum development
  • Co-branded course materials and certificates of completion
  • CEUs, academic credit or professional development credit

Business Services:

  • Executive and management coaching
  • Team development and training
  • Train-the-Trainer sessions   
  • Individual and organizational assessments 
  • Facilitation 

Multiple Delivery Modalities:

In-person workshops

Multiple topic training programs

Virtual training sessions


Online, self-paced courses

Karen Meyers
The university has been a key contributor to fulfilling our strategic goal of developing and educating better leaders in the Court. As a result of the training and services provided by the university and as evidenced by in depth evaluation reports, personnel are decidedly more productive, engaged and knowledgeable in performing their duties.
Karen M.
Orange County Superior Court, Former Chief Human Resources Officer
The university has been an invaluable partner in the development of our future law enforcement leaders. We are proud to have them as a training partner.
Bob P.
Orange County Sheriff’s Department, Undersheriff
After spending more years (than I care to admit) in management roles, I was amazed at the amount of new information I learned. The Leadership Program was well worth the time spent away from the office. Instructors were knowledgeable and engaging. Class exercises were fun and collaboration with program participants was a great experience.
Custom Leadership Development Program
Obtaining an MBA always was on my bucket list, however, until I found the university, I was facing large loans and a strict school regiment. The flexibility of the program along with Kia’s tuition assistance made the perfect combination. An MBA gave me the self-confidence to trust my ideas and question conventional thinking.
Julie M.
Each week I felt like I was performing better at my job as a direct result of the things I learned in class. This increased my job satisfaction, which was low before taking the class. Now I feel more prepared and confident.
Custom Leadership Development Program

Navigating the Decision-Making Maze: Strategies for Making Bold and Effective Choices

THU, JUL 18, 2024  | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Decisions involve a complicated array of circumstances, especially when the resources required are great, and the information necessary is unknown. While effective decision-making can equate to increased productivity, teamwork and organizational success, ineffective decision-making can correlate with wasted time and money. In this webinar, participants will examine the factors to consider in effective decision-making. Explore the complexities and promises associated with making ‘the bold decision,’ including the importance of facts and statistics, and having the guts to take a calculated risk.

Leading Across Generations: Strategies for Boosting Employee Engagement

TUE, AUG 13, 2024  | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Intergenerational leadership recognizes that each generation brings unique value to both each other and the workplace. In this webinar, participants will explore the challenges leaders face within multi-generational workforces. Discover the motivations and unique needs of different employee generations to foster meaningful connections and engagement. Walk away with generation-specific strategies for effectively leading high-performance teams and organizations.

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Harness the Power of Saying No: Techniques for Healthy Boundaries and Productivity

TUE, SEP 17, 2024  | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

While saying “no” can be empowering, it can also be intimidating or uncomfortable. Knowing when and how to say “no” can prioritize your health and help you set clear goals and boundaries. In this webinar, participants will explore the psychological, social, and cultural reasons why saying “no” can be difficult. Learn strategies for establishing boundaries to protect your time and space, helping you stay healthy and productive in both your work and personal life.

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Future-Proof Your Organization: 6 Critical Steps for Successful Succession Planning

THU, OCT 17, 2024  | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Although succession planning significantly influences employee engagement and retention, it is frequently delayed until a key position becomes vacant. Unfortunately, by then the damage is already done. An effective succession planning process promotes organizational growth by facilitating knowledge transfer and developing critical competencies to ensure operational continuity. In this webinar, participants will learn the components of a successful succession planning program, including how to avoid common pitfalls. Walk away with actionable steps to set your organization up for future success.

The Leadership Likeability Factor: Enhancing Your Workplace Influence

TUE, NOV 12, 2024  | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Effective leaders understand that strong work performance can only speak for itself to a certain point; the key to getting ahead and achieving organizational success is winning others over through positive interactions. Research indicates that being liked is probably one of several key ingredients in the effective-leadership formula.* Well-liked leaders can expect subordinates to consider them authentic, transformational, ethical and not abusive, according to the American Association for Physician Leadership. In this webinar, we’ll explore the 8 critical elements of Leadership Likeability and how these traits can enhance your influence and effectiveness as a leader.

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Maximizing Classroom Success: Implementing EBPs for Students with and without ASD

TUE, JUL 16, 2024 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Evidence-based practices (EBPs) are the cornerstone on which teachers design educational programs for learners with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). These same EBPs can also be applied to support all learners. In this webinar, participants will learn how to leverage 3 different evidence-based practices to support all learners in the classroom. Explore ways to implement Antecedent-Based Intervention, Visual Supports, and Self-Management to meet the needs of students with and without ASD.

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Effective Classroom Management: Strategies for a Successful School Year

Tue, Aug 13, 2024 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Setting up effective classroom management at the start of the school year will position you for success throughout the academic year. This includes the mastery of self-control, patience, impeccable timing, clear boundaries, and an intuitive understanding of student needs. In this webinar, learn evidence-based strategies to proactively set the tone for the year, allowing you to identify and mitigate disruptive behaviors from the start. Walk away with a comprehensive blueprint to enhance student engagement, boost academic performance, and foster a conducive learning environment.

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Strategies for Reducing Disruptive Classroom Behaviors

Wed, Oct 16, 2024 | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Managing challenging student behaviors in the classroom can be difficult. However, having go-to classroom management strategies at the ready can set your classroom up for success. In this webinar, educators will learn practical, evidence-based strategies that are easy to implement immediately. Learn how to reduce disruptiveness, enhance positivity, and build strong student-teacher connections to foster a more conducive learning environment.

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Adolescent Family Therapy: Evidence-Based Strategies for Strengthening Family Bonds

Tue, Jul 16, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Implementing a family therapy program can significantly aid teens in navigating adolescence while strengthening family relationships. In this webinar, participants will learn evidence-based strategies to enhance communication, resolve conflicts, and foster stronger family bonds via Adolescent Family Therapy. Explore practical skills and real-world applications to create lasting positive change in family dynamics and adolescent well-being.

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Navigating the Foodscape: Strategies for Supporting Optimal Mental and Physical Health

THU, AUG 15, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

The complex interplay of what we choose to eat and why, and the influence this has on our mental and physical health is often presented as a simple equation of eat this, not that. Research into the gut microbiome, with consideration of socioeconomic status and existing nutrition knowledge, informs a more nuanced approach. In this webinar, participants will explore the intersection between food, mood, socioeconomic status, and nutrition knowledge. Learn strategies to help your clients find balance in a complicated foodscape so that they can support their optimal mental and physical health outcomes without guilt. 

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Trauma-Informed Care: Tools and Strategies for Assessment and Intervention for Behavioral Health Professionals

WED, SEP 18, 2024 | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT | WEBINAR

Trauma-informed care (TIC) is a framework that acknowledges the impact of trauma on individuals and groups and seeks to create environments that promote healing and recovery. In this webinar, participants will learn about various types of trauma and understand the relationship between trauma and culture. We will discuss the DSM-5 diagnoses related to trauma and review assessment tools and specific trauma interventions. The final component will focus on the self-of-therapist aspect in providing trauma-informed care.

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Earn 1 CE Credit from the BBS for each webinar at no cost.

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